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Most 6 push up benefits

A lot of people just doing push up they don't know what push up made for ,most of them all they know is a good exercise for building strength and power in chest and shoulders so i made this articles today to talk about extra push up benefits
1.Strengthen chest muscles
most of you know that is the push up is good for chest muscles actually push up one of the main chest muscles workout especially for those who only train with calisthenics exercises only (bodyweight) 

2.Strengthen front shoulder
the front shoulder one of the most important muscles in your body if you want to perform advanced exercise as the muscle up the levers of the planche strength in the front shoulder is require your abs
most of don't know that the push up is work on your abs because the push up and the push up hold is almost like plank if you want to higher the abs exercise in the push up try the push up hold
4.Double your energy and you strength
the push up is really really helpful exercise if you do the push up for like a month you will feel the power progression in your body
5.Change your whole body look
the push up us multi muscles exercise so you will see the transformation from your first month doing push up if you want to know more about this search about the push up results or push up transformation
6. one of the fat burning exercises
like any other building muscles exercise the push is helpful if you want to burn some fat especially if you do a lot of push ups
If you have any idea what i need to tell you just leave a comment or tell me my facebook page
Simple titles:
push up workout
100 push up
how to do a push up


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