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7 thing you probably don't know about the muscle up

The muscle up one the very first and the most famous exercise in all of street workout and calisthenics moves , most of us known the muscle up as way to get on top of the bar or just for show and the most of the professional athletes don't use it so much ,  today i will talk about 7 thing you probably don't know about the muscle up

1.unique exercise 
For beginner muscle up is hard is that what makes it unique ,  No the Muscle up is one of the few exercises that target's all the upper body Most of the time when you train muscle up you feel all of your upper body muscles  working especially your  Arms chest and abs and back.
2. It's a push and pull exercises in one time
Yes it's little bit weird to know that you pull and push in one exercise , most of us get tired fast when they do muscle ups and the reason behind it , is that the muscles need time to rest between pushing ( press ups , Push ups , Dips ) exercise and pulling exercises (Pull up ,chin up) THE Muscle up is Mixture of this two kind of exercises
3. the muscle up is gymnastic skill not street workout exercises
Maybe there is a different between gymnastics muscle up and street workout muscle up , The original move preformed in gymnastics competitions before using it in street workout competition actually no bodies know's original sport of the move.
4.there is more than 100 way to do muscle up
Yes maybe you see a lot of ways to do muscle up actually there is more than 100 way to do it but the famous way to do muscle up is ( super swing muscle up , clean muscle , regular muscle up , explosive muscle up , front lever muscle up , German hang muscle up " hefesto " .... )
5.can be preformed in many places
yes you can preform muscle up in many places such a gymnastic rings or dips bar or pull up bar you can even do it on a wall park-or athletes called the wall muscle up ( grand up )
6. Pull Up + Dips = Muscle up
if you preformed clean muscle up before you will realize that you are pulling up than pushing up to the top of the bar actually it's not just one exercises it's too the first one is high pull up to the chest and the second is dips on top of the bar and it's good exercises for shoulders and chest
7. The Muscle Up One exercises can build your body
one of the few exercises that can give you the right body and build your muscles , muscle up target's all upper body muscles so all you need is working your legs and that is it the body of your dreams ^^ street workout can do miracles
if oyu want to learn the muscle up please check out my muscle up workout routine If you like my article for today share it with you friends and please follow me on twitter and Facebook
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