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What is The Planche??

A Planche is a skill in gymnastics in which the body is held parallel to the ground, giving the illusion of floating. It is a move that requires a great deal of strength and balance.

There are many variations of a Planche, although only two are accredited in artistic gymnastics: the straddle Planche, and the straight legged Planche. Somewhat less well known is the double planar Planche. Depending on the event, it can range from a B to a D skill, and must be held for at least 2 seconds. This move is also done commonly in break dancing (known as a no legged or Planche pushup). The muscles used in this exercise are the chest, shoulders, upper back, lower back, and glutes.

There are many ways to train for a Planche. The most common method of training in a gymnastic discipline of this skill involves progressions. A progression is a certain stage of skill; an athlete's ability to do the skill can be measured at each progression. Usually they are either trained in sets of strength or time. Strength training would involve trying as hard as possible to reach the next progression for a small amount of time. A timed hold is simply staying at one progression and holding it for a certain amount of time. Usually an athlete tries the next progression after they could hold a progression in good form for 60 seconds.

The progression is usually frog stand, advanced frog stand, tuck planche, advanced tuck planche, straddle planche, then full planche. The arms should be locked at all times in all positions, except frog stand. Useful Vocabulary: Progression A Progression is a distinct physical position: typically one of a series of increasing
difficulty culminating in the desired position. There are five mainstream progressions for a Planche.

Sourec :Wikipedia 


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